Saint John United Methodist Church

Church Property Marriage Policy
Board of Trustees’ Decision:
After thoughtful prayer and careful consideration, the St. John United Methodist Church (SJUMC) Board of Trustees has voted to prohibit same-sex marriages, renewal ceremonies, and related events from taking place on church-owned property. This decision follows the guidelines outlined in the United Methodist Church’s latest Book of Discipline, which grants local Trustees the authority to make decisions regarding the use of church property. This action reflects the consensus of the Trustees on the specific matter of same-sex marriages and ceremonies at SJUMC. It’s important to note that this vote may not represent a consensus of the entire congregation on the broader issue of whether or not to remain in the UMC.
Feedback Invitation:
The Board of Trustees is inviting feedback on the proposed "Policy Statement," which will be available for a 30-day comment period. Once this period concludes, the policy will be integrated into the SJUMC Facilities Use Policy.
Policy Statement:
In accordance with the decision of the Board of Trustees, Saint John United Methodist Church has adopted the following policy regarding the use of its facilities for marriage ceremonies:
1. Use of Church Property for Marriage Ceremonies:
  • The facilities at Saint John United Methodist Church are available for marriage ceremonies, vow renewals, and other wedding-related activities that are consistent with the doctrinal and theological beliefs upheld by the congregation.
  • As determined by the Board of Trustees, same-sex marriages, vow renewals, or other celebratory activities related to same-sex weddings shall not be conducted or hosted on church property.
2. Pastoral Discretion:
  • While pastors have the discretion to officiate same-sex marriages, the Board of Trustees at Saint John United Methodist Church has determined that such ceremonies shall not occur on its premises.
3. Commitment to Respect and Welcoming:
  • Saint John United Methodist Church remains committed to treating all individuals with respect and dignity. This policy reflects the specific values and beliefs held by this congregation and is not intended to discriminate against or disparage any individual or group.