
We try to do the best we can to invite and allow Scripture gear the ways we think and live. This is absolutely true for the word "membership." Two "go-to" Scriptures are: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 & Romans 12. Using these two Scriptures and many others, the expression of the word "membership" is "covenant." In each of our Teams & Life Groups, we've learned that living in "covenant" together helps in all aspects of life. We are accountable to someone (a group of someone's), we share small and great joys and "glory sightings" together, we share deep sorrows together, we share, well...we share LIFE together. Jesus' whole plan in coming was for us to experience true LIFE in Him (John 10:10b). We find that living in covenant community together helps us to more fully experience the LIFE that Creator God has for us. While there are many elements of "covenant" living that unfold as Teams & Life Groups grow together, there are 5 primary elements of what living in covenant community looks like here at St John: